For this component I will create a portable phone charger that is powered by the sun. I have all the materials to build the box except a soldering gun. I plan on acquiring one of those before the week is over. I expect the build time for three chargers to take a couple of hours. (Roughly 30-45min a charger). I am excited to see if this can work. If I can build working chargers I have friends that are interested in art that want to help make these boxes unique and possibly try to sell them.
One is done! I am uploading pictures with this blog entry. Although there were a few challenges (being novice at soldering, or one of the solar cells breaking). I'm so thankful for getting out of my comfort zone. I lost one of of the solar cells during the initial soldering phase. The next one I built is working, I will test the solar charging capabilities tomorrow but the in-power for the rechargeable battery is working. At the very least I made a rechargeable portable charger (stoked)! I have enough materials to make one more and I'm hoping to get the whole process via film and upload it to the portfolio.

Pictured above is all the materials I used. for one portable charger. Although I purchased a glue, gun I don't believe it is necessary for building the boxes, maybe to help make them more sturdy. Although I was pleased with the sturdiness the nuts and screws provided.

This is the finished result of the charger. The smaller port is the power-in so the battery can charge. The switch is used to toggle the battery to draw power or not. The USB port is used for power out to charge devices such as phones or most Bluetooth devices. During this process I was able to learn more about how circuits function through hands-on application. So far this has been the most rewarding concept of the project. as far as taking something away from it.